Children First!

Children First

OUR MISSION is to mobilize communities to actively educate, nurture, and care for all children in the Itasca Area.

• Provide a safe environment for children and their families.
  • Provide engaging educational opportunities to families.
  • Children from all incomes and backgrounds are valued and supported.
  • Parents are linked to programs and community supports that empower them to meet the development and health needs of their children and themselves.

  • All segments of the population experience their communities as welcoming and inclusive.
  • Increased student success resulting from collaboration between parents, school systems, employers, and other entities.
  • Community organizations actively participate to educate, nurture, and care for all children and families in the Itasca Area.

Free family events in the Itasca Area.
Selection Criteria & Process: Funds are awarded based on how closely aligned the event is to the Children First! goals. Also the impact the event will ultimately have on the community.

Apply well in advance of your event. If you produce a series of events throughout the year, consider requesting funding for the entire series in one application.
We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate particular needs on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to discuss your specific circumstances.

If you have questions about this program, please contact us at 218-327-5730

Children First! Partner Guide (PDF)
Children First! Logo PDF

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